
In short Article On Net is the compilation of articles written on different topics ranging from Theology ,Science ,History to Philosophy and Spirituality.It is an nascent effort by few free thinkers whose articulate writing can bring out some very important issues in the present world worthy of thinking.So lets begin the movement through writing.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Last Wishes, My Unfulfilled dreams

Eventually by the course of time I am standing at the end of an journey and a beginning of a new one. It is the time to express my last wishes to my family and my fellow compatriots.

To me death only the end of a body cycle and the beginning of a new one. My soul will remain with stronger zeal to achieve my unfulfilled aim of this life. The body dies but the soul remains. Am I afraid of death? Precisely the answer is may be or may not be. I am afraid for my family. I am afraid for my dearest mother. I am afraid for my motherland. Who will take care of all of them.

I often said my innumerable pain can only be suppressed either by our victory or by the fire of Pyre. I guess the second one comes sooner than later. I accept this gift heartily. But I feel low. Sometimes extremely low when I think that I could contribute sufficiently to my cause. I awake quite later and could not use my presence on earth propitiously.

May be this is what the wish of the lord. May be it’s the greater need of my presence in future which compels my journey to stop unexpectedly. Who can say? I have no complain to anybody. Everybody did their part as they feel best. I only remorse that I fail to keep my promise to myself of fulfilling the dream of vengeance. There is hardly any time in my hand.

What is the most beautiful thing in the world that I wanted most? Freedom only freedom.

I shall born again and again to achieve this freedom. I shall born again and again to fight the evil of hatred.

I owe my gratitude to parents whose grueling effort put me where I am now. I am nothing , non existent without them. I am void. I am sorry for not being able to put my service to my parents which I am supposed to offer. Please pardon me for that. I wish to my lord that I can take birth again and again in my mother's womb who gave me birth in this life. I love you all. Please Burn my body as per Hindu rites and after cremation please bring the ashes to the river Ganga in Haridwar. Please prey to the Lord so that I born again as Hindu and continue my work from the point where I left.

Its my another request to my family as well as to my compatriots that what ever minuscule fund I was able to amass with my hardship will be used solely for my motherland. I had a dream of forming the Bhawani Temple as guided by Shree Aurobindo. My immortal soul will be greatly honored if my wish become fulfilled after my death.

I don’t know what more to say to you all. To my all compatriots – I believe that the hardest path has not come yet. We need to travel more tough terrain before the establishment of the Dharmarajjya. We my sustain the onslaught and must beat back every time to prove our potent and vigor against our ruthless enemy. We must be remain faithful to the truth because its beautiful. We must not disregard the call of our mother. We must plunge into the ocean of sacrifice which our mother has entitled for hear dearest children. No fear and only bliss. We must not afraid of the transient defeat. We must always remember that time is the creator of all. Our enemy will be perished soon because their quota of sin has started overflowing out.

To my parents: Do not cry for the body. I will remain with you in some other form. Do not cry. I am so lucky that I got parents like you who gave me the wide teaching of right and wrong. I wish that every one could have a parents like you.

What do I wish finally after my death?

End of Arab and Islam. End of Christianity. Those who show no respect to others must never remain on this beautiful planet.


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