
In short Article On Net is the compilation of articles written on different topics ranging from Theology ,Science ,History to Philosophy and Spirituality.It is an nascent effort by few free thinkers whose articulate writing can bring out some very important issues in the present world worthy of thinking.So lets begin the movement through writing.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Reply to My Friend

I am standing at the verge of an unknown road obviously in my personal life. At such tumultunous situation I could hardly expect loss of some friend. But you know at some point in your life you have to think what you want to prioritize. You have to choose either your devotion to your free thinking or you have to let your thoughts suppressed and entangled by others.

An epitome of such scenarion took place in my life soon after the Pune Blast which took 9 innocent lives. Am I a hate monger? Am I a blood thristy? May be... If this approach can save lives then I would be honored to call myself in such name..

Before giving you the entire reply I would like to say what he said. I changed some words which he/me used as local dialect. A debate with a secular with a communal( as they called me).

I said him that Its party time because the peace lovers has thrashed yet another flower of love which took lives of 9 Big Ass Hole. What he replied is some thing like that.

"don't scrap like nonsense anymore ... if u want to be friend of mine .. if u r against terrorism .... I m always with u ... but if u r against any religion or any country ... sorry mate I m not with u .... terrorism means not only muslims or pak .. its a global problem ... for ur information in our country in last 6 months more than 50 police and more than 50 people were dead by Maoist ... even today in WB more 16 police were dead .. they are also terrorist ... The nagas and alfa of assam and nagaland they also killed more than 50 innocent people every year ... these are not muslims ... So Joydeep my point of view is totally different from ... I believed in a simple logic ... In world there are two kinds of people those who want peace and those who want terror ... I am with peace ... I am not in ur policy blood against blood , hatred against hatred ... And u ask me if my near ones is victimized in terror attack what I will u do .. obviously I can't to anything but I will be happy if the culprits get their punishment.

no matter from which country or religion they belong ... As a civilized citizen of my Country I can aware others from terrorism ... that I can do .... I am not a honu like u ... who shows immense Patriotism but personally speaking U r man with a little courage.... I am from a family where I saw both Police and Military personnel .. so I know what means Country for me .. I don't want to show of this thing ... I love my country and I got enough inputs from my grand pa and my elder uncle about this matter ... So if u really want to do just do something and then give lecture or write those stupid scraps ..."

This is what I wrote to him.--

Dear my Friend

Just before starting I have one request. If you are in hurry dont start reading. Have little patience and spend some time to read. because I spent a whole 3 hours to write this cumbersome mail. If you dont read that mail fully and understand the meaning then my whole time and effort in writing would be wasted.

Now continue---

I have no intention to hurt you or to force you to accept my views. But I thought I must share some thing which I believe you must listen. My scrap might seem nonsense to you but your friendship is not a compulsion to me I guess. Anyway in the course of my writing I will reveal why is that so.

You said "if u r against terrorism .... I m always with u ... " I am against killing of innocent people who has nothing to do with the ideology or the battle of ideology.But above all I want to find the root cause of terrorism. You or me can never become terrorist one fine morning.There must be something else. In a nutshell I am indeed against terrorism . Infact I have very little capability to revert what is happening. However turning blind to something blatant would be entirely hypocrisy. That I dont want to.

I am coming to the question of religion or nation which you deny to allign with the terrorism. lets come to your third scrap.

Yes I know what happened in Midnapore. The cowardice act of maoist. This is not the first time when it happened. The fiercest thing happened in Orrisa and Chattisgar just one year back. Yes again they are not muslim. But can you tell me those people who dont have bread in their daily meal ,how can they acquire sophisticated SLR or AK-47 or even land mine. can you or me acquire them. The simple reasoning suggests that there might be some thing which is providing the monitary support as well as the logistic support to the maoist. Our neibouring country china has a profound influence on those extremists. You believe it or not it is true. So in that context a country in supporing some doctrine that ultimately killed million peoples. So whom do you blame. The country, the doctrine , the politician, the police man or the maoist. Whom do you blame my dear friend? Slowly but surely you will realize that its only the doctrine of supremacy and the state sponsored terrorism that ultimately resulted in the inhuman killing. Every terrorism is an act of cowardice. They attack the victim by surprize. They do not fight like a hero. They are villain and will always be villain. That will be the begining of their end.

Its not my lecture but my simple reasoning. It may be true or not. Afterall I can never be judgemental .

Now come to the North East - Nagaland -Manipore -Assam Etc--- You know the demography of the North East. Maby be or may not be. Come to ALFA first. You might have heard the all the ALFA top brass were given refuge by J-I-B( Jamat -e- Islami Bangladesh) during the regime of BNP( Khaleda Zia) govt who was instrumental in conducting the millions( if not an overstatement) of murder and rape of minority (Hindu /Christian /Buddhist) in Bangladesh. Recently the news came out from BD intelligence that during the Musharraf regime ALFA got all the monetary as well as logistics support from ISI to continue its seperatist movement in North East. So it has become quite clear that Our neibour state Pakistan is shamelessly entangled in supporting ALFA that resulted in killing of thousands of BHARATIYA.

Moreover You will be surprized to know that within the thirteen district of Assam , In 9 district the Hindus are minority, They are outnumbered my Muslims chiefly because of two reason. 1. Huge influx of muslim from BD by infiltration and 2. Higher fertility /breeding rate. 3. Illigal or forceful conversion. In last few deadly bomb blast the intelligence traced the hand of HUJI (Harkat-Ul -Jihadi -Islami) not the ALFA and specially tragetting the so called majority Hindu.

Now come to naga and other north east separatists movement. For your information The entire north east is now dominated by christians. Even you will surprize to learn that they claim seperate Christian nation out of India because they want seccession. One of the example is Black Widow. Dont you think any similarity in Kashmere and NE. One wants seperate Muslim nation and another one wants seperate christian nation. Its more surprizing that all the NE separatists are funded by australian / Newzealand/ Europe and american church). However they got their weapon from our beloved neibour Pakistan and China.

Hence It is proved without any dispute that Both State(country) and religion has some thing to do with extremism and terrorism.

peace is beautiful. But why should you want peace. Dont you think peace is the by borne right of every human being. Dont you think I want a peace full life. Then why it is not? Do you think to live peacefully you have to want it from some body.I dont think so. So your idea is fallacious because you devide people in two distinct category, Who want peace or who not? you forget the third option. retalliation. As an engineering student you forget one fundamental law of physics. Newtons third law. Every action has equal and opposite reaction. If you disregard fundamental- your reasoning is bound to be extrimely erronious. I want every perpitrator of crime to undergo same trauma that they forced others to underwent. That is my difference with you. yes we both think in different way, I consider your view but you dont seem to consider mine. I am not Gandhi who said if we continue to fight as eye for an eye then every body would be blind. My contention is- in a nation where only blind people lives what the harm in plucking eyes. After all they are all blind.

(Little Light Moment in the Interval) There is Brailee for Blind to read. But till date nothing was invented for those who pretends to be blind or by chose make themselves blind.

You are self contradicting when you said you will be happy if the offender is penalized. That means you want them to down at your knee and also feel happy only if some body else do it for you. If you a really peace lover, you should pardon them or turn your eye away. My monm says to me when ever you find a situation where you could not restain your anger leave the place and cool down your self. But What you said is like you are saying about your impotency to fulfill your duty. Dont take me wron. You are quite capable of producing children (But my request dont produce one like your parents did). The concept of one children policy has a profound impact on the society where we lilve. Produce atleast more than one.

Now let me answer to your second scrap:

My first assumption is that I am not an civilized citizen of my country. The first question comes to my mind that what is the definition of a civilized citizen? Doing a blue collar job ,earing sum ,wathcing movies, shouting for this the symbol of civilization. In my openion there are many other aspect before calling a man civilized. So in my veiw you are neither civilized nor savage.

You said "As a civilized citizen of my Country I can aware others from terrorism" .What did you realy want to mean by that? I could not get your point. Aware others from terrorism. How do you aware others from terrorism. I guess you wanted to say you want to spread the message of love.Isn't it? Which ever you wanted to mean- it seems funny to me. Aware whom?? Aware victim from visiting publilc area to reduce the chance of getting died or aware the peace loving terrorist to spare the innocent victims life. Awareness campaign can work very well for AIDS awareness atleast to sell condom for stopping unprotected sex. But awareness against terrorism sounds highly ridiculous and funny indeed. i wish you all success in your future awareness campaign.

(JOKING - in contrary I am awaring people like you from forthcoming event)

Again a fallacious concept. I have never shown patritism. (I dont know what is your definition of patritism). What I said to you or whatever I read are all a step to open my mind from my school level teaching style. Yes I do offer my pranam every morning to BHARAT MATA(and other god ,goddeses in my room) but I have never said I am patriot. At the same time Its not at all mean that always to be a patriot you have to come with a gun and fight on the street. I am very coward-frankly speaking. Till now. But I am trying to come out of it. Cowardlyness/fear comes from lack of knowledge. Once you freed your mind- you are free from your bondage of fear. I am now in a process to get rid off my phobia. Swami Pranabananda once said Fear is the greatest weakness of a man. I am trying to get rid of it. I dont know how well I would pass in my exam?

But remember speaking truth is also an act of bravery. I am trying to grow the practice of speaking the truth however harsh it is. Those who are coward either fear to face the truth or knowingly avoid truth to show their inborne hypocrisy. I have not attained that perfectly but trying to attain.

So there is no reason to believe that any of my earlier writing shows an act of patritism. Whatever I am learning is all for my self. But to me the diameter of self goes beyond my human body. Thats why that self includes you and all my brothers and sisters of BHARAT BARSHA. I am no patriot. I am a very coward person who want to live peacefully. But I deny any humility. To me dignity is of utmost importance than life as you call it.Peace is good but not at the cost of dignity. Let me give you a quote.

When Ancient Persia was attacked by the Arabian Thugs ( Army) they offer Persian kindom -complete submission or be killed. The King said " Its far more honorable to live like a king for one day than like a slave for 100 years". The self respect and dignity is something which can never and should never be compromised. They lost the battle and forcefully subdued. You might still hear there stories from a minuscule persian community presently staying in MUMBAI who escaped the onslaught and came to western India.

The moral of the story is peace indeed the greatest virtue but not at the cost of self ignominy. The term PEACE which you are using is nothing more than the SELF IGNOMINY.
Even the Bhagwat Geeta said it loud and clear. I dont know whether you have read it or not. You people always likes to quote the famous word of Mr gandhi
"AHIMSA PARAMA DHARMA". But you dont know he fooled many by not chanting the next part of the SLOKA.

The complete sloka is

Non-violence is the ultimate dharma. So too is violence in service of Dharma.

[ Loosely translated, Ahimsa means Non-violence, paramo means topmost, ultimate, or supreme, and dharma means duty. Thus, the entire phrase means that non-violence is the topmost duty to the extent that it supersedes all other duties. For someone who holds this true, it means that there is no selective application of must be applied in every case and in all matters. This universal sense leads to an unconditional and unilateral abandonment of violent resistance, under any and all circumstances (as in the philosophy of Buddhists and Jains).

Sanatana Dharma does not impose total non-violence on its followers except in the case of ascetics. Ahimsa is a general dharma that is superseded with himsa

(violence) in order to protect dharma.[1].

Ahimsa is only loosely translated as non-violence. Unlike the English word 'non-violence' (which is absolute in its meaning), ahimsa means non-violence in a relative sense. There are times when violence can also be considered ahimsa if that violence is used to stop greater violence. For example, a king should always raise his rod of chastisement to keep peace and order in his country. He will fail in the discharge of his duty if he does not punish the wicked, and his country will be in a state of utter chaos. To hang a murderer is Ahimsa for a king. To kill a man who is taking away the lives of many is Ahimsa. A real Sannyasin, however, should not defend himself even when his life is in danger. A Sannyasin is one who doesn't associate with his body, instead identifying himself with the Atman. [2]. ]

So I hope you got my point.

Finally it don=es not mean that you are a great Indian because you belong to a family whose member served Indian forces. I have great respects for them. You said you love your country and you know what it means to you. I appreciate your views. But you love is in contrary to the basic tenets of lilfe. You should know some time later in your life what it means and what is its implication. I have no doubts in your numbers. they are above perfection.

Yes that is a point that I want to agree with you. I should do something before commenting. Frankly speaking For the last 3 years I am just reading and learning abouth all this things which you ( the civilized Indian) believe crap. The sole intention of my education is to open up my window of mind so that I can analyze every thing with my free thinking without being indoctrinated. That is what it should be. But its not the case. I consider myself extremely fortunate to come out of the dark patch of indoctrination and pacific veiw about life. I believe there are stages of action. One cant jump steps. The steps are like - LEARN-THINK ANALYZE-PLAN-ACT. This is the architecture. Atleast I follow that.

I would insist you to learn some basic facts about your own history not the history written by communists. Do not afraid.They are full fearful act.

Now Some insight about your fallacy On The relligion of Peace,

Concept of taquiiyya (deception)

On Dhimmi

Now read this

"Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free." (9:5)
Its from Quoran .. How ignorant you looked to become a prey of your racially superior brothers.

So After reading such a long boring ( without any entertaining photo as you often sent) cumbersome mail you must be feeling thirsty. take some water. Take some smoke if possible. You will be relieved. After all this reading if you feel I am little worthy of being friend- you are encouraged to stop the friendship.

Please remove my name from your friend list and i can assure you one thing that the day onwards you will receive a single response from my side.

It was an wonderful time with you spending, I learned a lot from you and would hope to continue this from others during the rest of my life.My whole life is a learning.


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